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Yes there are 3 types. Those are air pollution, waterpollution and soilpollution.

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Q: What are three pollution that effect on human health?
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There are three classifications of water pollution. The three classifications includes: chemical pollution, human pollution, and industrial pollution. Microbiological pollution is also another classification of water pollution.

What are three ways your environment can affect your health?

UV rays, pollution, natural disasters

What are the three ways that environmental problems may affect human health?

Our health and quality of life are affected by the state of the environment. Pollution and habitat destruction destroy the resources we need to live, such as the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.

What three ways do pollution effect people?

It pretty much kills us slowly. It harms our air and water.

What are three human activities that effect the biosphere?

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Name three natural process and three human activites that cause air pollution?

three natural processes are forest fires, soil erosion, and dust storms. three human activities are burning fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, gasoline, and diesel fuel), cars and other motor vehicles, and factories and power plants that burn coal and oil also release pollution.

Classift environmental problems into three major categories?

three categories of human-induced environmental problems - pollution, biodiversity loss, and natural resource depletion

What are three types of health problems?

Enviorment = air pollution, pet waste, and littering.Human Body = kidney failure, heart disease, and obesity.

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The three main characteristics of a population are size (number of individuals), density (number of individuals per unit area or volume), and distribution (how individuals are spaced out across a habitat or area).

What are the three type of pollution?

the 3 types of pollution are:eco pollutionnoise pollutionlight pollution