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Lady Liberty, & The bald Eagle.

Hope i helped a little.

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Q: What are two American symbols that stand for liberty and freedom?
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What are symbols that represent the American revolution?

The true and long lasting symbolic values of the American revolution is that people will stand up for what is right. Totalitarian regimes will not last forever because people desire freedom.

What does the green lady stand for in the new york harbor?

its the statue of liberty it stands for freedom and well liberty

What does wings stand for?

wings can stand for liberty and justice. Wings can stand 4 many nice things like freedom

How does the statue of liberty bring us together.?

The Statue of Liberty brings us together because it's a simbol of freedom that reminds us of how we stand as one

What does white stand for on the American fage?

Peace and liberty.

What do the symbols mean on the Guatemala?

The quetzal, the national bird of Guatemala, symbolizes freedom. The blue bands stand for the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The weapons represent the defence of liberty. Effective date: 15 September 1968

Does the American flag stand for freedom and pride?

It is possbile that it does

What do the symbols on Guatemalas flag mean?

The quetzal, the national bird of Guatemala, symbolizes freedom. The blue bands stand for the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The weapons represent the defence of liberty. Effective date: 15 September 1968

What to the roman numeral on the statue of liberty stand for?

It stands For Freedom and i have no clue bout the other one

What dose the statue of liberty stand for?

The Statue of Liberty stands for freedom and enlightenment. It was a gift from France to show they wanted to be friends with the United States.

What does Give me liberty of give me death stand for?

Patrick Henry's quotation indicated the level of resolve that the American colonists had in their desire for independence. Many colonists were willing to fight, and many did die, in pursuit of their freedom.

What does the lady lyberty's crown stand for?

The seven spikes on the Statue of Liberty's crown represent the seven seas and seven continents of the world, symbolizing universal liberty and freedom for all people.