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There are several advantages to purchasing a pre assembled computer, especially if you are unfamiliar with the innards of a computer. A significant advantage is that you have the assurance that the components will work together, and be configured and assembled correctly. Another advantage is that warranties and extended warranties are often available for the entire unit as opposed to singular items.

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14y ago

Besides the price, another advantage of a packaged basic computer system is not having to deal with its assembly and software setup. The operating system is already configured and the peripheral components, once connected, are ready to roll. This is because their drivers have all been previously loaded and identified by the system.

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Q: Other than price what are the advantages of purchasing a packaged basic computer system?
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Renting a computer involves the temporary use of a computer system in exchange for a fee or rental payment. This is a common practice for businesses or individuals who need access to computing resources for a limited period of time or do not want to invest in purchasing a new computer system outright.