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Nitrogen and oxygen are the two most abundant gases in the air. They are actually elements and not compounds. The two most abundant compounds would be water vapor and carbon dioxide.

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The two most common elements in the air we breathe are nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%).

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13y ago

nitrogen and oxygen

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15y ago

oxygen and nitrogen

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11y ago

carbon dioxide

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Q: What are two of the elements most common in the air you breath?
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What is the third most common gas found in the air you breath?

In dry air it is argon, but under typical conditions, it is water vapor.

Is air a mxiture?

The air we breath is a mixture on (in Order) Nitrogen, oxegen, and many many trace elements.

What is the second most common gas found in the air we breath?

Oxygen is the second most common/abundant gas in the air that we breathe. Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the air we breathe. The composition of air is often treated as 79 mole or volume percent N2 and 21 mole or volume percent O2.

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Hot air is common.

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Argon is the third most common gas found in the air we breathe, after nitrogen and oxygen. It makes up about 0.93% of Earth's atmosphere.

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Air to breath. Water to drink. Food to eat. Warmth and Shelter from the elements.

Is air completely empty?

No. The air you breath is made up of several elements which are gases including: Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide

What are the most common indoor air popllutant?

The most common indoor air pollutant is air freshener.

What is the most common 3 elements in the world?

The most common elements in the world are oxygen, silicon, and aluminum. Oxygen is found in the Earth's atmosphere and in many compounds, while silicon is a major component of rocks and minerals. Aluminum is also abundant in the Earth's crust and is widely used in various industries.

What is a collective noun for fresh air?

A collective noun for air is a breath of air.

How does the atmosphere interact with people?

azin the most air we breath an light