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In the modern era, the discovery of the potential energy that is stored within the structure of the atomic nucleus, led to the usage of a new form of energy, that is the nuclear energy. The concept of nuclear physics is constantly developing, as an independent discipline of science. The usage of nuclear energy often sounds incredible and every advantageous, but the use of this technology results into disaster if proper precautions are not taken.

Problem of Waste Disposal

During the process of nuclear fission, neutrons (particles having no charge or neutral charge) are bombarded on atoms of heavy elements, like uranium. This bombardment causes the entire fuel of the reactor, that is usually uranium or plutonium, to disintegrate or decompose. The process of decomposition produces a huge amount of heat, a large volume of heavy element atoms, and a lot of neutrons. In addition to these products, the nuclear fission also produces a big volume of radioactive waste. This radioactive waste can be easily used to make a nuclear bomb. The radioactive waste has to be disposed in some or the other manner. Though, its disposal and storage is very costly. If it falls in the wrong hands like those of a terrorist organization, it can prove to be extremely fatal. The leakage of radioactive waste from the reactor or from highly secured storage areas, is also very dangerous. Living beings, exposed to such kind of radiation, especially from nuclear waste, suffer from many problems like cancer, abnormal growth and sometimes can also lead to immediate death.

Reactor Safety

The nuclear reactor is the place inside which the process of nuclear integration takes place. The environment inside the place is full of heated reactions. The reaction of nuclear fissions not only produce heat, but they also result into many different reactions, due to the fact that the neutrons are produced as a by-product in the process of making nuclear fission a chain reaction. It is very important that the environment within the reactor remains highly controlled and sealed. The action of fission also tends to produce a high amount of radiation. If the radiation or the reacting elements leak out, then the health of people in the nearby vicinity is endangered. The leaked out matter sometimes also spreads to many different places through the atmosphere. If the level of leakage is very high, then it can also cause a huge explosion in the environment that would be comparable to a miniature nuclear bomb explosion.

Nuclear Meltdown

One of the biggest risks of nuclear energy is nuclear meltdown. A nuclear melt down occurs when the coolant, which is prominently water, gets over-heated or stops working. Sometimes the controlled environmental conditions also get over heated, causing a meltdown. In case of a meltdown, the radiations that are produced in the reactions inside, escape the controlled environment. The meltdown releases many toxic elements into the environment contaminating a huge area. A nuclear meltdown in the reactor had occurred at Chernobyl, Ukraine which resulted into ghastly effects.

It is hence wise, to take the proper precautions and avoid the nuclear disasters. The control measures though costly, if taken, will ensure an uncontaminated environment, for the current as well as the future generations to come. If not, then the nuclear contamination would be capable of wiping out mankind.

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Their ain't any disease that affects nuclear energy. Nuclear radiation can cause leukaemia and other cancers if above a certain level.

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