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Q: What are two quantities of power?
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What does the unit decibel measure?

The ratio between two quantities, usually quantities that somehow measure power, or intensity (power / area).

What quantities are needed to calculate an object's resistance?

Voltage, current, or power. You need two out of the three.

What is the quotient of two quantities called?

The quotient of two quantities called a ratio.

What makes two quantities proportional?

Any two non-zero quantities are always proportional. If the two quantities are X and Y, they are proportional to X/Y.

A comparison of two quantities?

What is called a statement of comparing of two or more different quantities

Types of physical quantities?

Physical Quantities are of TWO types: 1) Fundamental Quantities. 2) Derived Quantities.

The significance of the physical quantities like workenergy and power in microbiology?

signiphicance of physical quantities like work energy and power in microbiology

What is a comparison between two quantities that do not involve time?

A ratio is a comparison of two quantities

Uses division to compare two quantities?

A ratio uses division to compare two quantities.

The relationship between two quantities that increase or decrease together is called what?

The relationship between two quantities that increase or decrease together is called a positive correlation. This means that as one quantity increases, the other quantity also increases, and vice versa.

What is the conversion from joules of energy to watts of energy?

There is no conversion, as joules measures energy and watts measures power -two different quantities!

What are ratios of equal quantities?

The ratio of two equal quantities is 1 .