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Cars and dishwashers make my life easier than if I didn't have them.

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Q: What are two technology or science that make your life easier?
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Distinguish science from technology?

Science is the study of natural phenomenons of the world. Technology is the APPLICATION of science to people's lives to make life easier :)

How does your technology works?

Technology is the product of science. Technology's main purpose is to make life easier and more comfortable for man.

What are the benefit of science and technology?

The benefits of science and technology are the following, it helps make life easier for handicap persons such as wheel chairs for old men.

What are the effects of science and technology on society?

The effects of science and technology on society is it provides our society with basic tools to make our way of living much easier

Is a calculater a technology?

Yes, as long as it makes your life easier. Technology:"Something made to make life easier."

Which come first science or technology?

Science first because you can't invent a technology that will improve and make the work easier without science.

How does technology apply to science?

Science is all the knowledge, laws and theories that we currently have and technology is the application of that knowledge to make our lives easier.

How did technology improve commutation transportation?

Technology make life easier.

How can the camera obscura make life easier?

it not make life easier but it helps in science project for homework.

Is technology is the use of scientific discoveries?

no, technology are the tools that man has created and sre still creating to make daily life easier to make life easier

What future technology can make an easier life?

well the apple company has made an easier life

Are science and technology are interdependent?

Science snd technology are interdependentbecause they use each other to go with the way of life. Technology uses the life of science to make new things and science uses the life of technology to observe new things with those new instruments and devices they use.