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The rotation of the galaxies, and the rotation of the electron.

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Q: What are two things in nature that are periodic?
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What name is given to group two in the periodic table?

Group-2 elements are alkaline earth metals. They are basic in nature.

in addition to properties of elements, list at least two other things or events that are periodic?

Two other things/events that are periodic are the phases of the moon and the tides. The phases of the moon repeat in a predictable cycle each month, while tides rise and fall in a periodic pattern based on the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.

An elements blank is its row in the periodic table?

An element's period is its row in the periodic table. Periods are arranged horizontally across the table and indicate the number of electron shells an element has.

Is there any acid or alkalis on the periodic table?

The periodic table itself does not contain any acids or alkalis. Acids and alkalis are chemical compounds that can be formed from elements on the periodic table by combining them in specific ways. Some examples of acids include hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4), while sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) are examples of alkalis.

What can you find in nature that relates to the periodic table?

Everything. The periodic table relates all of the smallest particles of nature into a table showing all of these smallest particles (atoms).

What does the periodic table contain more elements?

Periodic table comprises of all the elements. There are variety of elements in nature.

What two things are shown at the bottom of the periodic table in order to keep the table a reasonable size?

Lanthanides and actinides!

When was The Nature of Things created?

The Nature of Things was created in 1960.

What does nature do to things?

Nature wants to make things equal

Which group of elements in the periodic table is known as the alkali?

The group of elements in the periodic table known as the alkali metals is group 1, which includes lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium. These elements are highly reactive and typically form ionic compounds in reactions.

Which two place in the periodic contain?

The main groups in the periodic table that contain nonmetals are Group 14 (Carbon family) and Group 17 (Halogens). These groups contain elements that have properties such as high electronegativity, non-conductivity of electricity, and varied physical states at room temperature.