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Elements make up compounds. Elements are purely one substance, while a compound is formed by chemical bonds between two or more elements.

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Q: What are two ways a compound is different from a element?
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Is H2O and element or compound?

its a compound, it is made up of two different elements

Can an element be a compound?

No. By definition a compound consists of two or more different elements.

How are compound and an element different?

An element is an atom or molecule made of a single type of atom. A compound is a molecule made of two or more different elements.

Can a compound also be an element?

No. By definition a compound consists of two or more different elements.

What element makes a compound?

two or more different elements

How is a compound different from an element-?

A compound is different from an element in that a compound is made up of several elements. An element is a base atom only. Think of a compound as a living room set and an element as a couch only.

Is potassium iodine a compound or an element?

It's a compound because it is made up of 2 different types of atoms.

Is H2O2 n element compound or mixture?

It's a compound. H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide. It as two different elements that is what a compound is.

Does a compound is a physical mixture of different elements?

No, but compound is rather chemical combination of two more element

Is H2O an element or is it a compound?

H2O is a compound since it consists of more than two different elements.

Does an element consists of two or more different compounds?

NO a compound is made up of two or more different elements.

What is the diff between an element and a compound?

An element is such as oxygen, or nitrogen etc., A compound is a chemical combination between atoms of different elements, e.g. water (H2O) is a compound, because it contains two different elements.