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Active transport and to synthesize proteins.

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Q: What are two ways in which cells use the energy temporarily stored in ATP?
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Do cells of organisms use energy for growth and repair?

Yes, cells need energy to carry out growth and repair processes.But these are not the only ways in which energy is used in cells.

Is the energy stored in food heat energy?

Energy is stored in many ways. Energy is stored in food. We eat the food to get energy. Energy can also be stored in other ways, such as batteries.Sources of stored energy take many forms like food, fuel and batteries. All energy on the Earth comes from the Sun.Heat from the sun warms everything on the Earth. Light and heat are forms of energy, which come directly from the Sun. Plants, use the energy from sunlight to make food. Energy from the sun is stored in leaves, stems, roots and fruits. When an animal eats plants it gets the energy stored inside the plant.Animals eat plants and get the energy stored in plant tissues. They utilize this energy for various activities like running, climbing, hunting and keeping warm. Food we eat contains energy to power our bodies.Fuels such as oil and coal contain huge amounts of energy. Energy released from these fuels, wind and water can be changed into electricity. Energy is needed for almost all activities that make up our lives.thank u . . :-)

How is a cell like a car?

Cells are like cars in many ways. Cars use a source of energy known as gas, and cells use Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) as a source of energy. Also,cells release wastes like a car does.

What are two ways in which cells use the energy provited by ATP?

Cells use the energy from ATP for active transport and protein synthesis.

What are ways for materials to move in and out of cells?

passive transport and active transport

Related questions

What are two ways energy can be stored?

Energy can be stored in the form of potential energy by lifting an object against gravity or compressing a spring. It can also be stored in the form of chemical energy in batteries or fuel.

What 3 ways can energy be stored?

Energy can be stored in batteries, which convert chemical energy into electrical energy. Energy can also be stored in compressed air systems, where air is compressed and stored for later use. Another way to store energy is through gravitational potential energy, where objects are lifted to a higher position to store energy that can later be converted into kinetic energy.

What ways can energy be stored?

Energy can be stored in various forms such as chemical energy in batteries, potential energy in raised weights or compressed springs, kinetic energy in spinning flywheels, thermal energy in heated materials, and electromagnetic energy in capacitors or supercapacitors. These stored energy forms can then be converted back into useful work when needed.

What three diffrent ways in which energy can be stored as strain energy?

i do know but i dont

How is energy stored and transformed in a given device?

Energy is stored in a device in various forms such as electrical, mechanical, chemical, or thermal energy. This stored energy can be transformed into different forms through processes like conversion, transmission, and utilization within the device, depending on its design and intended function. For example, in a battery, chemical energy is stored and then transformed into electrical energy when the battery is in use.

Do cells of organisms use energy for growth and repair?

Yes, cells need energy to carry out growth and repair processes.But these are not the only ways in which energy is used in cells.

What are the two ways that energy stored in dead organisms is used?

Energy stored from dead organisms can be used in two ways. They can either be eaten by other organisms or decomposed by bacteria with the nutrients absorbed in the soil to be used by plants.

Whats inside a battery?

A battery typically contains one or more electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy. Each cell comprises positive and negative electrodes separated by an electrolyte, which allows the flow of ions to generate the electrical current. Additionally, the casing of a battery helps contain these components and protect them from external damage.

What are some ways that eukaryotic cells obtain energy?

By taking it in.

What are some ways eukaryotes cells obtain energy?

By taking it in.

Is the energy stored in food heat energy?

Energy is stored in many ways. Energy is stored in food. We eat the food to get energy. Energy can also be stored in other ways, such as batteries.Sources of stored energy take many forms like food, fuel and batteries. All energy on the Earth comes from the Sun.Heat from the sun warms everything on the Earth. Light and heat are forms of energy, which come directly from the Sun. Plants, use the energy from sunlight to make food. Energy from the sun is stored in leaves, stems, roots and fruits. When an animal eats plants it gets the energy stored inside the plant.Animals eat plants and get the energy stored in plant tissues. They utilize this energy for various activities like running, climbing, hunting and keeping warm. Food we eat contains energy to power our bodies.Fuels such as oil and coal contain huge amounts of energy. Energy released from these fuels, wind and water can be changed into electricity. Energy is needed for almost all activities that make up our lives.thank u . . :-)

What are the two ways in which cells use the energy provided by ATP?

Cells use the energy from ATP for active transport and cell division.