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befrore there wasnt much bias now there is

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Q: What are two ways of interpretaions of history have changed?
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How do you think the airplane changed the world?

The invention of the airplane changed history in many ways. Two of the most significant changes were the following: 1. Transportation of people and cargo moved faster than railroad or ocean cargo vessels; and 2. The airplane became a new weapon for warfare.

What are two major turning points in world history?

ww2 , ww1, neolithic revolution ,and industrial revolution....... these turning points changed history drastically

How did the yellow sea the east china sea and the south china sea influence the history of China?

in what two ways might these seas have influenced chinas history

What are two ways interpretations of history have changed?

I am only going to tell you one because I cant think of another. Christopher Columbus Didn't Discover America.

What is history modern history?

There are three schools of thought concerning this: One is that modern history is from 1950 onward. Another is that modern history is from 1899 onward The final one is that modern history doesn't exist as something that is modern cannot exist in the past. Modern history is the considered the time after the "middle ages", beginning around 1500. Modern history is comprised of two eras, early modern through about 1800 and late modern which is followed by contemporary history. Most of this terminology is in reference to European and American history and their relationship with other continents. Modern History is only part of history. Modern history is from 1850 onward in some ways.

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No one can change history. It has happened and cannot be changed. They can however change the course a country takes for the future. Two people that achieved this in Russia were; Vladimir Lenin Mikhail Gorbachev

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momentum of a body can ae changed in two ways.. First by changing the mass...and second by changing the velocity:).

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What are two ways that scientists study earths climate history?


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it can become an acid, or it can be come a base

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