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Civil Rights or Liberties.

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Q: What are two words that mean rights protected by the constitution?
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What does protect and serve mean?

To serve the constitution and community by protecting an individual's constitutionally protected rights.

How is the media protected?

Based on the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution, the media meaning to mean the news media is protected by the freedom of speech clause in the First Amendment. This also protects everyone from censure by the government.

What did the Bill of Rights mean to Americans?

it meant their rights would be protected

What did the Bill of Rights mean to American citizens?

it meant their rights would be protected

How much words were in the final constitution?

Do you mean "how MANY words were in the final constitution"?

If a state is outside the US what does that mean?

Once a state of the Union you are protected by the Constitution

What does it mean to find a radical group website and find law enforcement operations and tactics that warn its adherents to be aware of?

It means that they are practicing their rights protected under the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

What are the bill of rights and what do they mean?

The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments made to the Constitution. They explained the colonists rights.

Why should children's rights be protected?

Children rights's should be protected because when children are young they can often be abused , if there were no rights for children that would mean that the person who is harming them would be allowed to get away with it , for this to not happen children's should be protected to help them live a happy life .

What does it mean to be an American citizen in view of the history of rights and the Federal Constitution of US?

The US constitution confers no rights to Americans as citizens. It does however, do so for US citizens.

To be protected from danger of harm?

Individuals have many rights and these include to be protected from harm and danger. To be protected from harm and danger mean to keep your information in confientaiality and to look after you in a good orderly manner.

What does the ninth amendment protect?

Rights not listed