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The boys react to the idea of the beast in various ways. Some, like Simon, see it as a metaphor for the darkness within themselves and in humanity. Others, like Jack, use the fear of the beast to control and manipulate the other boys. Ultimately, the existence of the beast becomes a manifestation of the boys' inner savagery and descent into primal instincts.

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Q: What are the various reactions of the boys to the beast lord of the flies?
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In Lord of the Flies who was mistaken for the beast?

Simon was mistaken for the beast in "Lord of the Flies". He was killed by the other boys during a frenzied tribal dance on the beach.

In lord of the flies who is tending the fire when the beast is discovered?

In "Lord of the Flies," it is Simon who is tending the fire when the boys' fear of the beast emerges. As the boys mistake a dead paratrooper for the beast and flee, Simon remains at the scene and discovers the truth about the figure on the mountain.

In lord of the flies chapter 9 what word the boys won't use?

i guess its beast since Ralph and fatty wanted to get the idea of the presence of the beast out of the little boys' heads.

What is the beast that the boys kill?

The beast that the boys kill in "Lord of the Flies" is actually a parachutist whose parachute gets tangled in the trees on the island. The boys mistake the shadowy figure for a beast and in their fear and frenzy, they end up killing him.

How do the older boys decide to deal with fear in the book Lord of the Flies?

they blame it on the beast. The beast is used as a scapegoat for all fear

What does maurice think the beast is lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Maurice believes the beast is a physical entity that resides on the island and causes fear and chaos among the boys. He represents the belief that the beast is something tangible and menacing, reflecting the boys' inner fears and insecurities.

What are the boys actions after the twins tell them about the beast in the Lord of the Flies?

They turn into flies and eat themselves. They think they taste yummy.

In the story Lord of the Flies is there really a beast?

In Lord of the Flies there is technically no physcial beast. "The Beast" is a symbol for something greater i.e our inner savergery. Golding uses the beast as only a symbol which the boys seem to reconize even more with their desent into savergery

Brainstorm names for the beast in Lord of the Flies?

The beast has several names already in the book Lord of the Flies. It is initially referred to as a snake-thing or beastie. Later during his internalised conversation the beast is named as the Lord of the Flies. Finally the real nature of the beast is revealed as the darkness in the hearts of men.

Who solves the mystery of the beast lord of the flies?

At the end of the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, it is not explicitly solved or addressed who or what the "beast" actually is. The boys on the island come to acknowledge that the beast is a manifestation of their own inner evil and savagery.