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Q: What are ways in which a society benefits from indirect production?
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When will marijuana be legalised?

When society eliminates the stigma behind using marijuana, and the medical community can prove the benefits in ways that the government will accept.

What are two ways a disease can spread?

Direct Contact and Indirect Contact

What are Three ways in which the transfer of capital takes place?

Capital can be transferred in the following three ways: direct transfers, indirect transfers through investment bankers and indirect transfers through a financial intermediary.

What is an example of indirect characteization?

Indirect character thought can be shown in several ways, including how they act, what they say or don't say, and what emotion they show.

Can passive voice be direct or indirect?

Passive voice can be used in both direct and indirect ways. In the direct form, the focus is on the object that receives the action, while the indirect form places emphasis on the action itself or the person performing the action.

What is an example of indirect characters thoughts?

Indirect character thought can be shown in several ways, including how they act, what they say or don't say, and what emotion they show.

What does periphrasis mean?

1·· a style that involves indirect ways of expressing things.

What was the Production Budget for A Million Ways to Die in The West?

The Production Budget for A Million Ways to Die in The West was $40,000,000.

What was the benefit to Australia?

it benefits Australia in many ways such as using it in our heating and electricity and did u know that it is estimated about 85% of our electricity production. for more information just look at coal mining Australia.

In what ways did industralization benefit society?

It helped mass production and trade meaning products were now cheaper so poorer people could have more facilities.

Food engineering focuses on?

packaging to make thr=e product edible for 32 years