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Q: What are white puffy clouds seen on fair weather days?
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Fair weather clouds?

Fair weather clouds are white, puffy clouds that are seen in the sky on nice days. Fair weather clouds last for between five and forty minutes.

What weather cloud brings good weather?

Cumulus clouds bring good weather. They are the white, puffy ones of sunny days

Is Cumulus a storm cloud?

No, cumulus clouds usually indicate fair weather. They are the puffy white clouds that form on sunny days. Occasionally, though they can develop into cumulonimbus, the clouds that make thunderstorms.

What weather is found where cumulus clouds are found?

Sunny blue sky days , they are the big white fluffy clouds

What do white clouds symbolize?

If they are many and scattered, the signify "fair weather" - likely for a couple of days.

What are the different types of cloud and what do they look like?

There are four main types of clouds ; Stratus, Cumulus, Cumulonimbus, and Cirrus. Stratus means "layer" in latin, and that is what it looks like. It covers most of the sky and brings light rain. Cumulus are the kinds of puffy clouds toddlers draw in pictures. They mean sunny, nice, happy weather. Cumulonimbus clouds mean thunderstorms, and they are often called Thunderheads because of that. Cumulonimus clouds are very tall and puffy. And last but not least, cirrus clouds mean a change in the weather, but they occur on sunny days. Fun Fact: Cirrus means" wisp of hair" in Latin.

What weather does nimbus clouds occur?

rainy days

What kind of weather occurs with warm fronts?

Cold weather front have low pressure air and rain/snow/hail/tornadoes and even hurricanes depending on location. Cold fronts bring huge, towering, billowing clouds [Cumulonimbus] that bring thunderstorms. Warm weather fronts bring gentle precipitation and high pressure air. Warm weather fronts also bring sheetlike clouds [Stratus] and wispy clouds [Cirrus] On the other hand, when there is no front, puffy white clouds [Cumulus] come on fair sunny days.

What weather can make clouds last for several days?

A Low Pressure System allows clouds to form. It is possible that the clouds can stick around for several days in this type of system.

What type of weather does cirrostratus clouds produce?

hot sunny days

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red clouds.....?

What clouds are bright white?

There are 4 types of clouds namely cirrous,cumulus ,nimbus and another one cloud(which is very black) out of these cirrous clouds are the bright white clouds which u can see in morning during sunny days.