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it is called singular

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Q: What are words called that dont have plurals?
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What is the spelling rule for changing singular words to plural?

Nouns are made plural by adding -s or -es to form the plural, they are called regular plurals; nouns using another form for the plural are called irregular plurals. Some examples of irregular plurals are:child- childrenwoman- womentooth- teethmouse- miceknife- knivesoasis- oasesgoose- geesecactus- cacti

What are plurals for words ending in y?

ies of course

Are there words that are plurals for plurals?

No, but some plural words have other meanings that can be pluralized. The plural "peoples" refers to more than one "people" (collective noun for an ethnic group).

Are there plurals in the hawaiian language?

Aloha: In terms of adding an s... no, there are no plurals. Words like 'many' [nui], and 'more' [hou] are used instead.

Why is it important to include plurals and possessives in your writing?

How can you make any sense without plurals and possessives? You have to use the words you need to make yourself understood.

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What words have plurals formed by adding -en?

ox-oxen: child-children

Do you only add 's' to plural words if its greater than one?

Yes, a plural noun is a word for two or more people, places, or things. Nouns adding -s or -es to form the plural are called regular plurals; nouns using another form for the plural are called irregular plurals. Some examples of irregular plurals are: child- children woman- women tooth- teeth mouse- mice knife- knives oasis- oases

What sounds at the end of words can be identified as an s sound for the purpose of forming plurals?


What is the plural of vicinity?

Vicinities, almost all plurals of words that end "y" is "ies".

What are the rules of forming the plurals of y?

drop the y, add ies. for most words.

How many words can be made from the word advising using only four letter words and no plurals?

4 letter words made from A D V I S I N G (no plurals): * sing * sang * gain * ding * visa * snag * diva * vain * sand * said