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The most likely are C major, F major, and G major.

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Q: What bass clef primary chords could be used with notes in C major?
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What are the intervals between notes in a chord?

Depends on the chords you are talking about. Major chords have a major third then a minor chord Minor chords have a minor third and then a major chord Augmented chords have two major thirds Diminished chords have two minor thirds

Why are the primary chords so useful in the compositional process?

Primary chords are useful since it gives you well-known knowledge of keys & notes in scales with harmonic & melodic etc.

What 2 notes are in both the c major and a minor chords?

C and E

Can you find out what the chords are - what notes are in the chords?

There are two or more notes in a chord. Guitar chords usually have three notes... look on and look up guitar chords or musical chords or something Piano chords are usually 3 notes. Minor addition: "Chords" aren't usually three notes. Triads are three notes, but a chord can be any number of notes, 2 or more.

How do you play chords on guitar?

Chords on the guitar are played by using your pick to play two notes or more simultaneously. The notes could be any notes that are possible to play on the guitar as long as they are played simultaneously.

What notes are used to form major chords?

The tonic, the submediant and the dominant (1, 3 and 5).

How are chords formed?

Chords are formed by Certain notes in a key lining up in a harmonic matter, for Example In C major CED make a 1 cord.

What is a consonant chords?

Consonant chords are chords that are made up of notes that sound harmonious and pleasing when played together. These chords typically consist of intervals that create a stable and resolved sound. Common examples of consonant chords include major and minor triads.

What are guitar notes called?


Major chords are formed by using notes of a major scale?

Yes, using the root note (tonic note) of the scale and its 3rd and 5th note of the scale.

What is the relation between piano chords and guitar chords?

the piano and guitar chords are different because because guitar is stringed tht u pick annd strum and piano is key lol goodluk Guitar and Piano chords are played using the same series of notes but some of the notes will repeat on a guitar. ie. C major chord is compose of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th notes of the scale (C, E, & G) when played in the open position on a guitar the C & E notes repeat.

What are major and minor piano chords?

A chord is three musical notes played together. Major and minor chords are just different types of chords. Major chords tend to have a happy feel to them, while minor chords are sadder and more introspective. You can make major chords by selecting a root note, (let's say C for now) counting four keys (or half-steps) away from the C, which is an E, and then count seven half-steps from the C, to get a G. Making minor chords is exactly the same as making major chords; just count three half-steps away from the C the first time to get Eb/D#. So on a piano, C major is C,E,G, and C minor is C,Eb,G. Once you know all the notes to a chord, you can rearrange them and get different sounds. The possibilities are nearly endless. It can seem daunting at first, but you'll get it.