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Ferrets have been domesticated for so long that they have no behavioral adaptions for survival. They totally depend on humans for survival. If a ferret is left outdoors, they have lost all ability to survive on their own, they are unable to protect themselves from predators, and will usually die within 3 days from starvation or predation. If your asking about the black footed ferret, rephrase your question

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This is not much but,

They are very wary of there surroundings

They are learn from fall, they are independent.

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Q: What behavioral adaptations help a ferret survive?
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The two kinds of adaptations an organism can have is a behavioral or a physical adaptation. These both help the organism survive.

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a behavioral adaptation is behaviors that help an animal to survive or communicate (ex. a dogs barks, a spider spins its web, a penguin swims, a monkey screeches)

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Behavioral adaptations are what living things do to survive. Behavioral adaptation is important because it helps living things survive their situation, it also helps to teach younger generations to do the same.

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adaptations is the change in a species to help it to become better suited to its environment. these include structural, physiological and behavioral adaptations. limpets have adapted to survive on rocks and eat bird poos.

What does behavioural adaptation mean?

A behavioral adaptation is something that an animal has to do in order to survive. like some animals migrate becaus its to cold or some animals play dead to fool their predatorsan adaptation that helps an organism enhance either survival or reproduction

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What are the physical adaptations that can help gray wolves to succeed in their habitat?

What are wolves adaptations? Adaptations are what does the wolve learn how to do or accomplish to survive. (behavioral adaptations) And physical adaptations are basically physical characteristics that help it survive. To answer your question: The colour of their coat helps them camoflage at night or in the dark to help them hunt and it also makes it easier to sneak up on prey. The wolf aslo has very strong legs that help it run extremely fast which also alows them to hunt with more efficiency. This also helps them escape from hunters or any predator that's after them.

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A very excellently camouflaged coat that changes with the seasons, retractable claws, and tufted ears are just three of their physical adaptations. Elusive, solitary, and 'not a picky eater' are three behavioral adaptations of the Bobcat (Lynx rufus).See the related links below for more info: