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Q: What best demonstrates the unity among all organisms?
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Is natural selection what best demonstrates the unity among all living organisms?

Natural selection is one mechanism that contributes to the diversity of life on Earth rather than demonstrating unity among living organisms. It acts on individual organisms within populations, leading to adaptations that enhance their survival and reproduction in specific environments. The unity among all living organisms is better demonstrated through their shared genetic code, structural similarities, and common ancestry.

What of the relationship among organisms is the best?

mutual relationship (when both organisms's benafit)

The molecular and structural similarities observed among these organisms is best explained by which of the following?

natural selection

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What are the structurall and biochemical similarities of animalsand all living organisms?

The structural and biochemical similarities among living organisms are best explained by Darwin's conclusion: Living organisms evolved through a gradual modification of earlier forms --- descent from a common ancestor.

How will you maintain peace and unity among all religion?

There is a way to tolerance and respect of persons....But to peace and unity among religions is impossible. They all teach different things (ie. Islam *works righteousness of the 5 pillars*, Buddhism *attempting to be the best person you can be so that you'll become enlightend and end suffering by ceasing to exist*, Christian *Peace with God by His grace alone through the sacrifice of Jesus who is God in the flesh*), so unity in that respect is never going to happen.

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Blender would be the best modeling program for Unity, because its free and quite powerful. Others are Autodesk Gameware and Cinema 4D.

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The debate between Unity and Unreal as the best game creator is subjective and depends on various factors. However, Artoon Solutions, with expertise in Unity game development, Unity Gaming Services, unity mobile game development, and unity 3D game development, recognizes both platforms' strengths. Unity is renowned for its ease of use, accessibility to indie developers, and robust support for mobile game development. On the other hand, Unreal Engine offers unparalleled graphical fidelity, powerful tools for game development, and a strong community.

What Telemachus' actions best demonstrates his obedience to his father?

* his silence when Antinous confronts Odysseus .

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What is the best illustration for organisms best adapted to their environments that survive long enough to reproduce?

ok so this is my first try at this so give me a break i think your best answer may be fighting among bull moose, to see which will mate with females of the herd

What best explains the unity evidence in the leaning tower of Pisa?

i have no idea