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A chain in which electrons from the photons of sunlight energy are passed down the thylakoid membranes to drive the production of ATP by H+ gradients, etc.

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2w ago

The electron transfer system is a series of protein complexes and molecules located in the inner mitochondrial membrane that transfer electrons during cellular respiration. This process generates ATP, the cell's main energy source, through the creation of a proton gradient. The final electron acceptor in the electron transfer system is oxygen, which combines with protons to form water.

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14y ago

It transfers energy in a stepwise manner from one compound to another.

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Q: What best describes electron transfer system?
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Which electron-dot diagram best represents a compound that contains both ionic and covalent bonds?

The best electron-dot diagram would show ionic bonds with transfer of electrons between atoms, and covalent bonds with sharing of electrons between atoms. Ionic bonds would be represented by complete transfer of electrons from one atom to another, while covalent bonds would be shown as overlapping of electron clouds between atoms.

What can best describes covalent bonds?

Covalent bonds are formed when two atoms share electron pairs to achieve a more stable electron configuration. They are typically found in molecules and are characterized by the sharing of electrons between atoms. Covalent bonds are strong and tend to occur between nonmetal atoms.

Which is the best analogy describing the location of an electron in an atomic oribital?

An electron in an atomic orbital is like a bee buzzing around a honeycomb. The honeycomb represents the space where the electron can be found, but its exact location within that space is uncertain.

What best describes the strength if ionic and covalent bonds?

Ionic bonds are typically stronger than covalent bonds because they involve the complete transfer of electrons from one atom to another, resulting in strong electrostatic attractions between ions of opposite charges. In covalent bonds, atoms share electrons, leading to a weaker bond due to the partial sharing of electron density between the atoms involved.

Which word best describes the salt?

An adjective is a word that best describes the salt; for example much salt, little salt, or some salt.

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Transfer Payments

Which best describes how an ionic forms?

One atom pulls an electron from another atom.

Which phrase best describes the electron transport chain in photosynthesis?

Yes. Photosynthesis involves the transfer of electrons. Photosynthesis causes a chemical change. All chemical changes involve either the transfer of electrons or a change in the configuration of electrons. No other way exists to make a chemical change.

What terms best describes government payments to a person or business?

Transfer Payments

Why is the current atomic called the electron cloud models?

The electron cloud model best describes the organization of electrons around the nucleus of an atom.

Why is the current atomic model calles electron cloud model?

The electron cloud model best describes the organization of electrons around the nucleus of an atom.

Why is the current atomic model called the electron cloud model?

The current atomic model is called the electron cloud model because it describes electrons not as particles located at specific positions, but as existing within a cloud-like region around the nucleus, where they are most likely to be found. This model acknowledges the dual wave-particle nature of electrons and provides a more accurate representation of their behavior in an atom.

Why is the current atomic model called electron cloud model?

The electron cloud model best describes the organization of electrons around the nucleus of an atom.

Which best describes how mrna is used by cell?

it is used to transfer the code for protein synthesis

Terms best describes government payments to a person or business?

Transfer Payments