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Q: What best expresses the most objective or impartial representation of an event?
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A representation of an object or event?

A representation of an object or event is a model.

What terms describes a physical or mental representation of an object or event?

A mental representation of an object or event is often referred to as a "mental image" or "mental model", whereas a physical representation can be called a "depiction" or "representation".

What is a representation of an object or event?

A model.

A mathematical representation of an object or event is?

A model

A representation of an object or event is called?

i think it is a model I'm not sure if it is......... I'm sorry if it is wrong

What is the objective of the javelin event?

The objective of Javelin is to throw the javelin over the greatest possible distance.

What is a word science word for- a representation of an object or event?

A scientific term for a representation of an object or event is "model". Models can be physical, conceptual, or mathematical representations used to study and understand complex systems or phenomena in science.

What is a physical mental representation of an object or an event?

a model

Which term describe a physical or mental representation of an object or event?

The term that describes a physical or mental representation of an object or event is "schema." Schemas help individuals organize and interpret information based on their previous experiences and knowledge.

What is a mathematical representation of an object or event?

A mathematical representation of an object or event is a way of describing it using mathematical language or symbols. It could involve equations, functions, graphs, or geometric shapes to capture the key properties or relationships of the object or event in a quantitative manner. This representation allows for analysis, prediction, and understanding of the object or event using mathematical tools and techniques.

What expresses the opinion of a newspaper publisher or editor on a particular current event or topic of general interest?

That would be the 'editorial'.

Is undoubtedly an adverb?

Yes, undoubtedly is an adverb. It is an adverb of certainty and expresses how certain or sure we feel about an event or action.