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Q: What biome has the lowest temps and highest winds?
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How do scientist's measure hurricanes?

The Saffir-Simpson scale, that uses wind speed to determine the type (category 1, Category 2, etc.) Category 1 has the lowest winds and Category 5 hast the highest winds.

What is lowest at the eye of a cyclone?

the storms winds

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What is the wheather in the tundra biome?

The weather in the Tundra biome is bitterly cold. This weather will often include very dry winds and heavy snow fall.

What is the highest wind speed for the Saffir-Simpson scale?

There is not upper limit for winds on the Saffir-Simpsons Scale. The highest winds listed are the minimum winds for a category 5 hurricane: 156 mph. But winds much higher have been recorded.

Where are the highest winds in a hurricane?

Eye wall.

The storms that produce the highest winds are?

from thunderstorms, winter storms and hurricanes, hurricanes will be the produce the highest winds.

How high do a storms winds have to be classified as a hurricane?

Category 1 (the lowest) for a hurricane is winds of 74-95 miles an hour.

Which storm produces the highest winds?

Hurricanes and tornadoes.

What type of winds effect the tundra biome?

artic tundra: prevailing westerlies and prevailing easterlies. alpine tundra: winds patterns change because of more exposure to the sun.

Which portion of Earth's atmosphere are the trade winds in?

The Trade Winds are in the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere. The Trade Winds blow near the equator. They are so called as trade in the days of sail relied upon these winds.

What is the lowest category winds of a hurricane?

74-95mph is level one hurricane .