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Zackery Schumm

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Q: What birds catch insects in midair?
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Related questions

Can birds mate in midair?

Yes. Parrots and swifts can mate in midair.

How do b birds get their foods?

The will eat insects, pull worms out of the ground, attack and eat other birds or catch fish.

Why do birds sit on sheep?

To more easily catch the insects that the sheep disturb when they are grazing.

What is a peewee bird?

A pewee is a type of flycatcher, a family of birds that scans for insects while perched and flies out to catch insects on the wing.

What do fantail pigeons eat?

They eat regular goldfish flakes

How do birds attack their prey?

Hawking is a feeding strategy that birds use to catch flying insects in the air. They fly out from a perch to snatch an insect and then return to the same or a different perch. Birds with flat, wide beaks are normally birds that catch flying insects.

Why do birds fly around and around in circles?

Insectivorous birds fly in circles to catch flying insects.

Can a red panda eat a bird?

They do eat small mammals, insects, eggs and birds too if they catch one.

What animals could eat dragonflies?

bats horses monkeys gorillas

Do newly hatched swallows drink lots of water?

Birds, no birds, have breast nipples to feed their young. They rely on insects that the mothers mash up in their mouths and feed to their babies. When they are older and can fly, they will drink water and catch their own insects.

Are birds and insects herbivores?

There are carnivores and herbivores in both birds and insects.

What does a xantus eat?

These birds feed on nectar from flowers and flowering trees using a long extendable tongue or catch insects on the wing.