

What birds eat thistle seed?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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9y ago

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A few birds that eat thistle are:

  • American goldfinches
  • California quail
  • Common redpolls
  • Dark-eyed juncos
  • European goldfinches
  • Hoary redpolls
  • House finches
  • Indigo buntings
  • Lesser goldfinches
  • Mourning doves
  • Pine siskins
  • Purple finches
  • Song sparrows
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Where do you hang thistle seed?

Hang thistle seed in a squirrel-proof feeder either from a tree branch or a pole in an open area that allows birds to easily access the seeds while keeping squirrels at bay. Thistle seed is best suited for finches, sparrows, and other small birds that have narrow beaks to feed on the small seeds.

Does thistle bird seed make any difference to the birds?

Thistle bird seed is very good for birds. It has a high protein content so is very good for energy. For more information visit

Do seed eating birds eat trees?

Considering that the name is "seed-eating", the birds eat seeds, not trees.

Do hummingbids eat thistle?

No. Humming Birds suck nectar and lick up very tiny insects. To eat something as thorny as a thistle would require a goat.

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bird seed!!

What is the meaning of thistle bird seed?

A thistle bird seed is a seed that comes from a prickly plant usually produces a purplish or yellowish flower.

Do birds eat the entire nyjer or Niger seed or do they consume part of the seed and leave the seed coat behind as they do with sunflower seeds?

Nyjer seed does not have a shell like sunflowers. Wild birds eat all of the nyjer seed.

What color birdseed attract birds?

the color of the seed doesnt affect how much the parakeet will eat

Do all birds eat seed?

Nearly all domesticated birds do, but some wild birds eat berries and other things.

Do wild birds eat pumpkin seed?

some do

What do birds eat in the spring?

If you have a bird feeder, they will most likely eat the seed in the feeder. But if you don't , birds generally eat berries, seeds, nuts, and insects.catapillers

What do dove birds eat?

Doves are mostly seed eaters .