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An ionic bond, of course.

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Q: What bond involves the attraction of a cation to a anion?
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Can a covalent bond form between an anion and a cation?

when forces of attraction overcome forces of repulsion

Can an ionic compound ever consist of a cation-cation or anion-anion bond?

Can an ionic compound ever consist of a cation-cation or anion- anion bond? Explain.

Can an ionic compound ever consist of a cation -cation or anion-anion bond?

Can an ionic compound ever consist of a cation-cation or anion- anion bond? Explain.

How is an ionic bond held together?

It is held together by electrostatic attraction between the ions in the compound. In the bond, there is a complete transfer of electrons between the atoms, so this makes the cation lose electrons and the anion gain electrons. The cation becomes positive and the anion becomes negative, and therefore there is a large attraction between the atoms.

An ionic bond is between?

A cation and an anion

WHAT type of bond RbCl?

Ionic bond between Rb+ cation and Cl- anion.

What is an atom called after an ionic bond?

Ions. And they can also be called anion or cation depending on their charges. An anion is a negative ion, a cation is a positive ion.

What is the ionic bonds is the attraction between?

.... between one or more postive (metal) ions and one or more negative ions like chloride, sulfate, nitrate, carbonate etc. Example: 2Al3+ + 3SO42- --> Al2(SO4)3

Why is sodium chloride an example of an ionic bond?

Ionic bond between Na+ cation and Cl- anion

Is an ionic bond a connection between two cations?

No, an ionic bond is formed between a cation and an anion.

How is copper carbonate an ionic bond?

The ionic bond is formed between Cu2+ cation and CO32- anion.

What kind of bond is k-o bond in koh?

There is no K-O bond in KOH as this is an ionic compound formed between the cation, K + and the polyatomic anion, OH - So, the electronegative difference here causes this ionic bond to form by attraction in whole as shown above.