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Hyoid Bone

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Q: What bone in the neck can break from being strangled?
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What bone is often broken in case of strangulation?

The hyoid bone in your neck is usually broken if a person is strangled.

What is comminuted fracture surgical neck right humerus?

The right upper arm bone is broken into multiple pieces at the place where that bone is most likely to break.

Would it hurt to break your neck?

Yes, it would hurt if you broke your neck, you are breaking a bone that connects your skull to your spine, and has several hundred thousand nerves attached to it.

Where is the hyloid bone?

A bone in anterior part of neck. Superior to thyroid carilage. Inferior to stylohyloid muscle.

Do your neck have bone?

Well, there is bone in the form of your spine in the back of your neck, but in the front there is cartilage.

What is a weird named bone in your body?

I will have to say that the most unusual bone in the human body is the hyoid bone in your neck behind the voicebox or larynx. This bone helps keep the breathing tube down your neck nice and open. When a person is strangled by hand, the hyoid is often broken, which lets the breathing tube collapse. First, nearly no normal person even knows it exists. Second, it is a bone that does not touch any other bones. And third, oddly enough, it is a bone that you can touch, an probably do (through the skin, of course) every once in a while, and do not realize it.

How did Andre the giant break his neck?

Andre did not break his neck

Would inflammation from strangulation show on Whitney Houstons neck if she was strangled in water?

There is little reason to speculate about this, since there are no reports that she was strangled. She was found unconscious in her hotel bathroom, and investigators did find pill bottles in her room. We do not yet have the official cause of death, but it is doubtful she was strangled.

How did triceratops avoid being eaten?

It uses its frill of bone around its neck and shoulders and sharp horns

What is the free floating bone in the neck?

The Hyoid Bone.

Which is the bone people break most often and why?

clavicle is most commonly fractured. but in old females femur usually fractured at neck level.

How did yde girl die?

she was strangled with wollen waistband rapped around her neck three times and small bog.