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The facets on the body articulate with next vertebra, while those on the transverse process articulate with the heads of ribs.

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Q: What bones articulate with thoracic facets and demifacets?
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What flat bones articulate with the thoracic vertebrae?

The ribs articulate with the thoracic vertebrae.

Articular facets on the transverse processes are characteristics of vertebrae?

The Thoracic Vertebrae have such features and are in the correct position to articulate with the ribs correctly (the cervical vertebra are too high to touch the ribs in the neck region, and the lumbar, sacral and coccyx are all too low to intersect the ribs!)Thoracic Vertebrae

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No, doesn't articulate with any facial bones; only articulates with temporal bones of cranium.

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The carpals articulate distally with the ulna. The carpals are also known as the wrist bones.

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How many bones are in the thoracic?

There are 12 thoracic vertebrae in the human spine.

What bones are located in the posterior thorax between the second and seventh vertebrae?

The ribs are the bones located in the posterior thorax between the second and seventh vertebrae. These ribs articulate with the thoracic vertebrae in the back and form the rib cage that helps protect vital organs in the chest cavity.

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The lungs are surrounded by the bones of the thoracic cage. The thoracic cage consists of the following bones:12 pairs of rib12 thoracic vertebrasternum

How many bones are in a thoracic bones?

There are twelve different bones that known as thoratic vertabrae.

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What bones are attached to the thoracic vertebrae?

All ribs are attached in the back to the thoracic vertebrae.