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Q: What book came before the Lord of the Rings trilogy?
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The Return of the King is the final book of which trilogy?

The Return of the King is the final book of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

What is third Lord of the Rings called?

The third book in the Lord of the Rings trilogy is titled The Return of the King.

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That would be the Lord of the Rings trilogy, specifically the Return of the King book.

What is the name of the Tolkien book that features characters from Lord of the Rings and was published before the trilogy?

The Silmarillion, most of the History of Middle Earth and The Children of Húrin fall before The Hobbit in the timeline of Middle Earth.

What is your favourite movie adaptation of a book or graphic novel?

My personal favorite is the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Which Lord of the Rings book is the best?

The three part of the Lord of the Rings "trilogy" are really to be considered as parts of one, making the whole the best of them. Any breakdown is subjective.

Is there going to be another lord of the rings film?

While the Lord of the Rings trilogy is over, there will be a fourth movie coming out that is a prequel to the trilogy called "The Hobbit" It is based on the book of the same name, and is Bilbo's tale, including how he came to the ring

Can you List the Lord of the Rings from first to last?

The Lord of the Rings trilogy is preceded by "The Hobbit" which sets it all in motion. The first installment is "The Fellowship of the Ring". The second book or installment is the "The Two Towers". The last book is called "The Return of the King".

What trilogy is based on the novel by John Tolkien?

The Lord of the Rings is not a trilogy proper, but one complete story in 6 "Books" titled Book I, Book II, Book III, and so on. The trilogy is usually published in three volumes: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King.

Is the lord of the rings a trilogy?

The Lord of the Rings trilogy, in both the movie and the book versions, is called the Lord of the Rings; specifically, the book/movie titles themselves are called The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King.

What are the three parts of the lord of the rings?

Note: The Lord of the Rings is a single book. It is not a trilogy and not a series. It was merely published in three parts/volumes, which are named: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King.

What was the name of the fourth book of Lord of the Rings?

There was not a fourth book it was only a trilogy. Although there have been many other woks concerning Middle Earth such as The Hobbit and the Silmarillion.