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The main cause of developing fever blisters is contracting Herpes Simplex Virus type-1 (HSV-1). From that point the condition can be triggered by stress, illness, trauma to the lip area, sun exposure, or those with health issues that affect their immune system and weaken them.

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Common triggers are being run down by stress or illness. Fever blisters can also be triggered to break out when you're out in the sun or cold weather for too long.

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How do you use alvera on fever blisters?

You shouldn't use aloe vera if the fever blisters are around the mouth. There are some inexpensive over the counter cold sore creams at the pharmacy that will work better and be less toxic then using aloe vera.

Why do people get fever blisters?

Because they have the oral herpes virus which causes oral herpes & cold sores and they did some thing to trigger a break out.

Is it bad to have a fever blister?

NO there is nothing bad or wrong about having fever blisters or cold sores. They are a very common infection (about 80 % of th populaiton has cold sores / fever blisters on the mouth) but some people think you have to have sex in order to get it which is NOT always true, plus they are no the prettiest thing to look at. Cold sores are often inocently passed during child hood by being kissed on or around the mouth by some one that has them. If people are thinking bad or wrong things about you then you don't have to be around them.

Which skin disorder is caused by a type of herpes virus?

Some common names for the skin diseases of herpes are cold sores, fever blisters, genital herpes, shingles, whitlow, wrestler's herpes, and ophthalmic herpes.

Can constipation cause fever blisters?

Yes! Some blisters are signals that your digestive tract isn't moving or is blocked. The blisters can come up because of the toxins which aren't being release from your body. Usually, that's how i know my bowels aren't properly functioning.

What are some common illnesses or diseases?

Fever and cold

Is a 99.4 fever for an adult after laporoscopic hysterectomy?

Some degree of fever is common after surgical procedure.

Is herpes blisters?

No not all blisters are herpes. Some are just water blisters from chaffing, some types of eczema can also cause blisters.

What are some home remedies for fever blisters on lips?

If the blisters are inside the mouth, I understand that it is a canker sore and not a fever blister, or cold sore. The latter two are from the herpes simplex 1 virus and I understand canker sores are not a virus at all. Good luck with finding your answer and I hope I was of some assistance!