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.food is carried by phloem and water is carried by xylem.

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Xylem and Phloem vessels

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Phloem and xylem.

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Q: What brings food and water to your cells?
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The bloodstream brings oxygen and food to the cells?

The circulatory system brings oxygen and food to the cells of an organism. It is made up of the heart, a network of vessels and the blood.

What passes from the blood into the body's cells?

Blood brings food and oxygen to your cells.

How do you maintain the nutrition of all body cells?

Your blood brings food

What carry's food and water to the cells?

Cytoplasm carries food and water to the cells.

Why is oxygen import to blood and to the cells?

because oxygen brings food to the cell

What does the circulatory system brings to cells?

The circulatory system transports blood loaded with oxygen and nutrients it brings food to each cell of the body

Why is it critical to your cells to be near capillary?

Cells need to be near capillaries because capillaries carry blood which in turn brings food/fuel to the cells and removes waste products.

What is the circulatory system for?

The circulatory system brings blood around the body, providing oxygen and the nutrients from our food for our cells.

How do cells affect growth?

Cells affect growth by supporting the system with food and water. The more food and water a cell takes in the more they grow.

Does the heart carry dissolved food away from body cells?

If your blood contains dissolved food, you are in BIG trouble, but only for a moment... after a moment you will be dead. The blood brings glucose to the cells, and the cells extract energy from the glucose. This is the most basic energy form for the cells; there are others.

What is the body fluid that brings food and carries waste away?

If you're talking about blood cells, it's called plasma

What contains bundles of tubelike cells that carry water and food?

A vascular plant contains bundles of tubelike cells which transport water and food throughout the plant