

What burns in potassium chlorate?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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12y ago

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In the dry powder form, Potassium Chlorate will burn when it comes in contact with fire. In its highly more reactive molten form, it will burn and literally explode in contact with sugar. If you are gonna do that experiment you better be sure to wear a lab coat and look totally like a scientist.

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Q: What burns in potassium chlorate?
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potssium is K chlorate is CLO3 potssium chlorate is a dangours produce. Formula: KClO3 we are a potassium chlorate manufacture in we know more about the potassium chlorate the potassium chlorate produce method is electrolyze-filtration-drying.

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potassium chlorate is used in match industy. we are a potassium chlorate factory in china. potssium chlorate also can be used in firework . if you want to know more about the potassium chlorate ,please visit the related link.

What type of compound is potassium chlorate?

Potassium chlorate is KClO3

What is the name of the compound with the formula KClO3?

The name of the compound with the formula KClO3 is "potassium chlorate".

What is the formula for potassium chlorate?

The formula for potassium chlorate is KClO3.

What elements is potassium chlorate a compound of?

Potassium chlorate is KClO3 and it consists of potassium, chlorine and oxygen.

What the conclusion of composition of potassium chlorate?

we can know that potassium chlorate is very poisonous.

Is potassium chlorate polar covalent?

No. Like all potassium compounds, potassium chlorate is ionic.

What is a potassium chlorate in nature?

Potassium chlorate is a stable, colorless ionic compound in nature.

Is potassium chlorate soluble?

Almost all salts containing potassium are soluble, including KClO3 (potassium chlorate).

How many grams of potassium chlorate would be produced by reacting 500 grams of potassium chlorate with oxygen gas?

Nothing is produced, 500g potassium chlorate will be the same 500 g potassium chlorate after reaction. Actually there is no reaction at all.

What if you eat matches?

im not a doctor but matches do have potassium chlorate in them and potassium chlorate is toxic to eat