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A hemorrhoid is not an infection, disease or anything can catch from a person. when you try to hard passing a stool, pushing hard for it to come out, you get a hemorrhoid. a hemorrhoid is a puffed up vain. You may also get one from pregnancy because of when you push the baby out!


- be itchy

- might hurt a little, but not really when passing a stool.

- get annoying


- itch

- hurt

- bleed when passing a stool

- get very annoying


- constipation

- basically anything that makes you push out something out of the anal way.


- eat many fruits and veggies to soften your stool

- drink a lot of milk or liquids of any kind

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12y ago
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15y ago

Hemorrhoids Causes Exactly what causes hemorrhoids is unknown, but we do know that they are caused by increased pressure in the anus. The upright posture of humans alone forces a great deal of pressure on the anus, which sometimes makes them to bulge. Sitting in one place to often

Straining while moving bowels (from constipation or hard stools). This is the most common cause.

Excessive rubbing, or cleaning around the anus


Sitting on the toilet too long

Severe coughing


Lifting heavy objects

Anal infection Other contributing factors include:


Chronic diarrhea or constipation


Misfortune of Heredity

Frequent use of laxatives or enemas resulting in faulty bowel function

Straining during bowel movements

Too much reading on the toilet The bottom line is the tissues are stretched. As a result, the veins dilate; and the vein walls become thin and bleed. If the pressure continues to stretch, they become weakened and protrude out of the anus. Hemorrhoids are very common, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth

OMG thnks 4 answering

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14y ago

They're enlarged veins near the rectum, often caused by something blocking the normal of blood from the legs to the trunk. No. 1 cause is pregnancy, followed by obesity combined with a lot of sitting.

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14y ago

- Constipation - the straining and difficult passage of stool causes the veins to swell.
- Eating too much processed food.
- Excessive straining when trying to use the bathroom.
- Long staying on the toilet.
- Pregnancy and childbirth.
- Lifting heavy weights.

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11y ago

Although there are no known specific causes for hemorrhoids, there are a number of theories as to why these occur. Some of these reasons include poor fibre intake as well as constipation and straining to take a bowel movement.

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10y ago

Hemorrhoids are caused by an increase in pressure in the lower part of the rectum. There are many causes that can potentially increase the pressure to levels at which hemorrhoids would form. Some of these activities include: straining during bowel movements, sitting for long periods of time on a toilet, chronic diarrhea or constipation, obesity, pregnancy or anal intercourse.

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10y ago

Hemorrhoids are present in everyone but hemorrhoids become a problem when they are large. It is believed extreme abdominal pressure, obesity, pregnancy and sitting for long periods will cause hemorrhoids problems.

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3y ago

The most common cause of hemorrhoids is stress in the intestinal peristalsis . Additional elements are pregnancy, inheritance, aging, chronic constipation, diarrhea, prolonged sitting, for more information

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10y ago

The causes of hemorrhoids can vary from too much pressure around the veins of the rectal and pelvic area to obesity, pregnancy and straining too hard on the toilet.

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Do gay men have hemorrhoids?

All human beings have vascular structures in their bodies known as hemorrhoids. If you are asking if anal sex causes inflammation of the hemorrhoids, the answer is no, it does not.

What are and how do you get hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum. There are many causes and pregnancy is near the top of the list. See the link.

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Causes from haemohroid?

Hemorrhoids can be caused by many different things. The main cause for having hemorrhoids is from holing in a bowl movement for to long.

Whyam I bleeding in my bowels?

Likely causes include, cancer, hemorrhoids, and intense anal sex.

What causes bright red anal bleeding?

Hemorrhoids cause bright red anal bleeding.

Can a 8 year old have hemorrhoids?

Absolutely!! My 2 year old has recently gotten hemorrhoids. And I (32 years old) have had hemorrhoids when I was a toddler. It is usually caused by severe constipation but there may also be underlying causes. It is best to consult your pediatrician as soon as possible if you think your toddler has this issue!!

Can hemorrhoids causes thin stools?

Yes they can but should not be pencil thin or dark stools that are very thin.

Does endrometrosis cause hemorrhoids?

No endormetrosis does not cause hemorrhoids. Some causes: Straining in Bowel Movements Excess Wight and Sedentary Lifestyle Heavy Lifting and Strenuous Sports Pregnancy and Childbirth Anal Sex

What is hemrodes?

Hemorrhoids are veins in the anus or rectum that become enlarged or swollen and cause symptoms like pain or bleeding. This condition is also called piles. The causes of hemorrhoids can include pregnancy, aging, chronic constipation, and being obese.

Do geckos get hemorrhoids?

No. geckos don't get hemorrhoids

What are the causes of hemorrhoids and their symptoms?

An unhealthy diet with foods and beverages such as sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. Straining when going #2 can cause them to. Sometimes they seem to appear for no reason. Cadmium toxicity is also a cause.