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holding your breath is an extreme form of rebreathing

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Q: What can be considered an extreme form of rebreathing?
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Would you use a breathing or non-rebreathing system on a rabbit?

This depends on the size of the dog. A toy size dog would do better with a non-rebreathing system, as it won't have the tidal volume necessary to maintain a good flow of fresh air. A larger dog (say, 15 pounds and up) would be fine with a rebreathing system.

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In the ATA, extreme Taekwondo is the combination of taekwondo moves with gymnastics, music, and things like that. In order for it to be considered "extreme" the participant must do aerials. Otherwise, it's considered "creative". There are two divisons: form and weapons. Competitors must make their own form, within a time limit, and compete. Students who practice what the ATA calls XMA (Xtreme Martial arts) are allowed to do demonstrations with their instructors permission.

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How can you use the word extreme in a sentence?

The word 'extreme' is an adjective. It is used to describe a noun. For example: 'The views of the politician were considered extreme by many members of parliament.' 'Some stunts are considered extreme due to their potential to cause injury.'

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What type of breathing system would you use on a 3.2 kg patient?

A non-rebreathing system

Which type of breathing system would you use for a 3.2 kg patient?

Non-rebreathing system