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Q: What can be done fork an inclusion cyst inside the ball of the foot?
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this operation is done for the treatment of cyst by Deroofing the cyst or creating a surgical window in the wall of cyst.

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i was trying to find the procedure for removing a very small cyst from my breast, is there stitches? or is it done by lazer, thank you ruth delorey

Should you burst an infected cyst?

Unless you have been to see your doctor then you are second-guessing and you should let your doctor decide what is to be done. The cyst may need to be biopsied.

How does a dented tennis ball get the dent removed when in boiling water?

It the heat from the boiling water will expand the air inside the ball pushing the dent out. The same can be done with ping pong balls and a lighter.

Can you get cyst on your back?

A cyst is an accumulation of cells that have formed a sort of sack beneath the skin which can be filled with air, cellular material, or fluids. If the cyst does not resolve itself, it should be surgically removed. A doctor can determine if this needs to be done.

What will you do if you have a renal cortical cyst at about 3cm?

If you have a renal cortical cysts at about 3 cm, it will be up to a doctor to determine what will have to be done. It may all depend on whether or not the cyst grows or goes away on its own or not.

Does hitting a ganglion cyst with a book hurt?

It won't hurt to actually pop the cyst (which sometimes happens on its own, by the way), but if you hit the cyst with a book you might bruise the area around where you hit it (just like if you had hit the area with a book anyway), or if you hit it hard enough you might break a bone (just like if you had hit it with no cyst). Hitting a cyst with a book is usually not done; there are other ways to get rid of cyst including a doctor draining it with a needle and surgery. However, unless you want the cyst removed for cosmetic reasons there is no reason to remove a cyst- it usually doesn't hurt and does not restrict movement (I should know, I have a ganglion cyst on my wrist).

How is scoring done in basketball?

If you shot the ball from inside the arch, you will get 2 points, outside the arch, 3 points, and free throws for 1 point each.

How does a white ball come out again when pocketed but not a coloured ball?

I assume you are referring to a barroom table or other table where the cue ball comes out a hole near the head of the table when pocketed. This is done one of two ways. There is sometimes a magnet put in the cue ball, which sends it down a separate track inside the table, or sometimes the cue ball is weighted sleightly different, causing a mechanism inside the table to catch it, depending on the manufacturer of the table.

How much does it cost to have a sebaceous cyst removed at the emergency room?

Removal of a sebaceous cyst is not an emergency, and is not likely to be done in the ER. Make an appointment with your primary care provider, who is better equipped for this procedure than the ER.

Can a jump ball be re done?

It is possibly for a jump ball to be re done, but it has to be in emergency situations for example, when they do the jump ball and the lights go out, they will redo the jump.