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People who have kidney failure, which is when 90% or more of the kidneys do not work, must be on dialysis. When kidneys fail the body cant cleanse the body of waste. The persons blood will become toxic and the person will die without dialysis or a kidney transplant. That's just with kidney failure. Of course you can live with only one kidney. Say you only had one kidney, that one kidney would have to be over 50% damaged before a person would possibly need to be on dialysis. To simply answer your question, you could have no problems with a damaged kidney, but failed kidneys will cause death.

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If you have unilateral kidney failure (only one of your kidneys), you should survive quite easily with one kidney. However, if both of your kidneys are in failure the only long-term solution is a kidney transplant.

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If your kidney fails what you can have?

you should better ask the question , that's rather confusing to me. if your kidney fails, then you still have atleast one kidney left. but only three quarters of your kidney can be replaced with someone elses . kidney disease possibly is thee answer !

What are the causes when kidney fails to drain urine?

Renal Failure

What happens when kidney fails?

the kidneys cant get rid of the waste products in the body, then the watse products keep circling around then eventually build up in ur vein/bloodstream.

Can a person survive with 1 kidney?

Yes. There are a lot of people that are living today with only one kidney. If someone needs a kidney transplant because both of theirs have gone bad they can receive one from a donor so long as they match. So the person that has the transplant has one and the person who donated a kidney has one.Some people have to due to infections etc. You can survive with one kidney

What if the kidney transplantation is not working?

You can possibly die because your body can not flush out all the waste and urine. Alternate answer: If a kidney transplant fails the patient does have other options but action should probably be taken as quickly as possible. The failure of a kidney transplant means that the patient will either have to have another transplant or they will have to go back on dialysis until something else can be done. People can live normally with only one kidney.

Why can't a third kidney be replaced instead of adding a fourth?

Well the more surgery you have the more chance of something going wrong. Also if the fourth kidney gets rejected and has to be removed then presumably the person can go back onto dialysis as they still have the last working kidney which would be in better shape than the original ones. I am not sure at what stage they would have to remove one of the kidneys or how many kidney transplants they would let you have. All depends why a transplant fails I presume.

Is reverse osmosis RO water safe to drink for people with only one kidney RO - Reverse Osmosis?

No . As the lone kidney tends to work more and tries to reabsorb minerals from distal tubule . It eventually hypertrophies and fails eventually on a long term basis . Urea and creatinine level tends to rise in blood .

How is Berger's disease treated with omega-3 fatty acids?

Omega-3 fats may be effective in treating this autoimmune disease in which kidney function fails over time with few treatment options available.

Are fails funny?

Yes, fails are funny. Especially EPIC FAILS.

Why you can live with one kidney?

A person can live with only one functioning kidney if the other is diseased or has been removed. But no one can live without both kidneys, unless he undergoes almost daily treatments on a special machine called a dialysis machine. This machine is attached to the body, and cleans the blood and removes the wastes, two of the jobs that the kidneys usually do.its a fail safe one fails or dies the other one takes overYou don't have to have two kidneys. If 1 fails, you'll have the other kidney to keep filtering your blood.No ,A healthy person can donate their kidney and live without medication. Donate it for altruistic reasons and not to earn cash.

Which came first the kidney or the kidney bean?

The organ was called a kidney first. The kidney bean is called so because it is shaped like a kidney, the organ.

What is an accessory kidney?

An accessory kidney is an "extra" kidney.