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You should rotate your crops. it helps it be fertile.

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Q: What can be done to make soil more fertile?
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How can succession make a community's soil more fertile?

Succession can make soil more fertile by not plowing the ground so much. If your soil is not fertile than that means the soil is either drifting away in the wind or you are just not taking enough care into the soil. I hope that helps.

Why did the annual flooding of the nile help make the soil more fertile?

The silt from the bottom of the Nile River would settle into the soil making it more fertile.

How do animals that live in the soil help in the soil formation?

When the animals die they are decomposed and that make the soil more fertile.

How do animals that live in soil help the soil formation?

When the animals die they are decomposed and that make the soil more fertile.

Why is the soil of plains so much more fertile?

It is much more fertile because of the amount of water it has. the minerals from the soil also cause fertile soil.

Is soil hilly land more fertile than soil on a plain?

Soil in a hilly area can be as equally fertile as soil in a plain.

Is soil on hilly land more fertile than soil on plain?

Soil in a hilly area can be as equally fertile as soil in a plain.

What important contribution did George Washington Carver make?

he dicovered ways to make soil more fertile

What can be done to help conserve fertile soil?

Fertilizer, crop rotation, water, and regular care all help conserve fertile soil.

How does earthworm make the soil fertile?

The worms do make holes but it is to but oxygen in to decompose the soil and therefore making compost, they also drag leafs into the compost to eat and to make more soil well theirs your answer :).

Why are earthworms important for the soil?

Because, they swallow the soil to make it fertile.

What are consequences of losing fertile soil?

loosing fertile soil causes the plant to get poor nutrition which will make it sick or die.