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Homogeneous mixtures have the same consistency throughtout therefore, they can only be separated through chemical means.

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Q: What can be separated by chemical means but not by physical means?
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Can a compound be separated by a physical means?

no, it can not be separated by a physical process.

What can be seprated by chemical means but not by physical means?

The elements of a chemical compound can be separated only by chemical means, but not by physical means.

What can be separated by chemical or physical means?

A Compound.

What other than physical means can matter be separated?

Only physical means; chemical means alters the chemical composition.

Can mixtures can be separated by simple chemical means?

Yes, mixtures can be separated by simple chemical means such as filtration, distillation, and chromatography. These techniques take advantage of the physical or chemical properties of the components in the mixture to separate them effectively.

Is iron an compound or mixture?

Of course Element. Iron = Fe It cannot be separated by physical or chemical means and hence is an element Mixtures can be separated by physical means and compound by chemical means

What cannot be seperated by physical means?


Can aspirin be physical separated?

No, Compounds Cannot Be Separated by Physical methods like Magnetic Separation , Filtration etc... They Can Be Only Separated By Chemical Means

How are compounds separated?

Using chemical means. to separate a mixture, you use physical means

Is a mixture is made of two or more materials that cannot be separated by any means?

All mixtures can be separated by physical or chemical means.

How do you separate mixtures and compounds?

You can break down a mixture by physical means

What is pure matter?

Matter is a pure substance if it can only be separated by chemical means, NOT physical means. This could be a compound or an element. The opposite is a mixture which can be separated/broken into smaller parts by physical means.