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Electricity from solar power is the same as electricity from a coal-burning power plant. It's all the same, and it can be used to power anything that runs on electricity.

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Q: What can electricity from solar power be used for?
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Related questions

What is solar power used for?

solar power is used for powering your lights or anything in your home that runs on electricity

What can solar power be used for?

solar power can be used for heating homes, lighting rooms and it can also be turned into electricity.

How is the sun's energy used as electricity?

As solar power.

What can be used instead of electricity?

Solar power, nuclear power and generators

What is the solar used for?

Solar energy is used for power and energy, showers, electricity, allot of things.

How is solar power currently used?

solar has been used in different ways like electricity

How is solar power formed?

Solar power is formed through the process of converting sunlight into electricity using solar panels. Solar panels contain photovoltaic cells that absorb sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. This electricity can then be converted into alternating current (AC) electricity and used to power homes and businesses.

What is solar power mainly used for?

to power our homes and give us electricity :)

How is solar electricity used?

You get the energy by the sun by using solar panels to power things

What are uses 4 solar power?

Solar power can be used for providing Electricity and heating and for hot water in the house

Can solar power be used to power an aerator instead of electricity?

Anything can be powered with solar power as long as you have enough money and sun!

What types of energy are used at home?

Hydroelectric power (from a dam), nuclear energy, solar power and wind power generate electricity. Natural gas is used for heating. Solar (the sun) can produce heat and electricity.