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friction can slow down the object or make it stop. it can also cause the object to create heat.

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It opposes the direction of movement

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Q: What can friction do to a moving object?
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What is friction of a non-moving object called?

The friction of a non-moving object is called static friction. It is the force that prevents the object from moving when a force is applied to it.

How friction affect the moving object?

Friction always want to retard the motion of a moving object. So friction slows down and finally stops a moving object.

What friction prevents an object from moving when a force is applied?

The friction produced that stops an object moving when force is applied is 'static friction'.

Which frictiin refers to friction that acts on an object that is not moving?

Static friction refers to friction that acts on an object that is not moving, preventing it from sliding.

What is friction of a non moving object called?

The static friction of a non-moving object is called static friction. This type of friction prevents the object from starting to move when a force is applied.

What does friction do to the object's motion?

The motion of the object might slow down or just change itself object would resist moving or keep moving. An object can have static friction, sliding friction, or rolling friction.

Force that act on object that are not moving?

The force that acts on objects that are not moving is static friction. Static friction prevents the object from moving when a force is applied to it, until the force overcomes the static friction and causes motion.

What friction prevents an moving object?

static friction

What is the friction that hinders a stationary object from moving on a surface when a force is applied to that object?

Static friction. The frictional force is greater then the force applied, meaning the object can't move.

What friction that prevents an object from moving when force is applied?

Static friction is the friction that prevents an object from moving when a force is applied. It occurs between stationary surfaces and must be overcome by an applied force in order for the object to start moving.

What if there is no friction would a a moving object stop moving?

If there is no friction, a moving object would continue moving at a constant velocity in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. Without friction to oppose its motion, the object would not come to a stop on its own.

What kind of friction must you overcome to get an object to start moving?

You must overcome static friction to get an object to start moving. Static friction is the force that resists the initial motion of an object at rest.