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He dies of liver poiusining from excessive alchol consumption.

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Yes, and that someone is your doctor.

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Q: What can happen to man who's been drinking whiskey for 30 years?
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After an auto accident you were administered CPR by someone who had been drinking then your blood test at the Emergency Room showed a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.13 How did this happen?

It could happen if you had been drinking alcohol.

The Whiskey rebellion happened because of what?

In 1794 the citizens rebelled against the enforcement of a federal excise tax on whiskey that had been passed three years earlier.

What happens with 20 years of drinking habit?

Better health and greater chance of living longer if the drinking has been moderate.

What is the record for drinking?

I know this Guy that's been drunk for 20 years

Is alcohol illegal in Utah?

No it is not ... I have been a resident of Utah for 25 years and been drinking for a good number of those years .. Alcohol is our friend!

If someone else was driving your car and got an underage drinking ticket what would happen?

If ALL the facts have been stated in the question - - if the underage drinking driver was in lawful possession of the car, probably nothing would happen to the owner.

Did they change the drinking age to 25?

No, the legal drinking age in the United States is still 21 years old. There have been no recent changes to increase the drinking age to 25.

What is the drinking age in Angola?

After 1976, the people of Angola have been able to vote at the age of 7 years old. Before this, there was no voting in Angola.

What would happen if you drink urine?

Drinking Urine is a hazardous process for it reintroduces the metabolic wastes which have just been excreted out.

why does a bladder infection follow a few weeks after you have been drinking sodas or colas and this has been an issue for a while now maybe about 2 and half if not 3 years?

why does a bladder infection follows a few weeks after I've been drinking sodas or colas and this has been an issue now for about 2 and half years if not 3

What company made whiskey in which the label on the bottle is charcoal whiskey?

There are several confused issues hear. There is no such thing as "charcoal whiskey" - whiskey requires grain in it's manufacture. "Charcoal", meaning "black" implies the Jack Daniels label, Jack Daniels is a sour-mash whiskey (a type of bourbon). The Smirnoff Vodka people advertised for years that their vodka was "filtered through a mountain of charcoal". Hope some of this might have been of help.

How long does it takesomeone to become addicted to alcohol?

I have been drinking for about 8 years and have recently developed a violent behavior when I drink. What can I do to stop drinking or stop being violent?