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The demon arm slayer will come to your house and offer your soul for your arm in return.

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Q: What can happen if your arm falls asleep for too long?
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What causes your hand to fall asleep?

Well your hand falls asleep because the cut off of blood circulation in the blood vein. So like if you have you arm on a corner for a certain amount of time it causes your are to fall asleep.

Why does it hurt when blood rushes back into a arm after it falls asleep?

Because it takes time to let it settle back into its normal place.

What does tingling on your right arm mean?

Tingling in the arm is usually paresthesiae, that "pins and needles" feeling one gets when falling asleep on the arm for example. Tingling also can happen in the right arm when Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is present.

What can be done for pain located under the shoulderblade which results that the arm falls asleep during sitting not standing?

there are nerves that run in that area, whose branches can run down the arm as well. The long thoracic nerve comes to mind. I think you need to see an orthopedic surgeon or neurologist to have that looked at..

What to do with the bottom arm well spooning?

Haha, one of lifes great wonders, there is no good answer, lay on it, if it falls asleep move it above your head repeat ad nauseum

What do you do when your hand falls asleep Why does it?

Someone's hand can fall asleep due to lack of circulation to the hand. When a person sits, or lays a certain way the circulation can be restricted if pressure is placed upon any one part of the arm or wrist. To regain circulation a person can move their arm and hand around to cause the blood to begin to flow back to the hand and the feeling of it having 'fallen asleep' to be removed.

How can you tell if a person you are speaking with is falling asleep?

closed eyes, even breathing, snoring, or responses that are more off topic than is normal for the individual--when in person (not on the phone): lift the person's arm and release: if it falls dead-weight-style down then, if they are not asleep yet, they will be shortly

What causes the needles when your arm falls asleep?

It means the position you were in squeezed some blood vessel, and therefore prevented blood from flowing. By changing position, the blood is allowed to recirculate in the vessel and therefore creates that weird sensation.

What does it mean if your arm feels like it has fallen asleep?

it means you can't move them

For some reason sometimes when I wake up my left or right arm gets numb for a couple of minutes i ve kind of been wondering why does this sometimes happen?

Cutting off bloodflow or pressure on the nerve in your arm can cause it to "fall asleep" or go numb, as you've described.

Why does the top of your hand hurt and sharp pains up my arm?

srry if ur hurt... it could be that your arm fell asleep... move your arm around and that might help it

What makes your right arm hurt at the nerve and cause sharp pains?

The left intercostobrachialnerve is responsible for referred pain on the inner left arm during a myocardial infarction or heart attack. The nerve may become irritated during a heart attack causing referred pain down the arm.