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I believe the supplement,Lysine, will help heal and even prevent these. Also,avoiding certain foods with acidic quality can help prevent these. Abeva,an over the counter medication,can be helpful.

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Q: What can help cold sore blisters?
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Does ice help fever blisters go away?

Ice will help the pain, but not help to remove the cold sore.

Does blistex help cold sores?

Blistex is meant for blisters instead of cold sores. However, it has been known to sooth the sores due to the same soothing properties used for blisters. Depending on the strain of cold sore, the blistex will probably help, however it isn't recommended.

Can milk help a cold sore?

It may sooth the symptoms but it doesn't really help heal a sore. Get some cold sore cream like Abreva and apply it regularly to the sore.

Is lysine used to treat fever blisters?

Yes it's used to treat fever blisters and cold sores, they are both caused by the cold sore virus. The only thing is you may have to take a lot of it before you notice any difference in the break out.

Can you swim with a cold sore?

Its not suggested by doctors to swim with any kind of open sore. Coat it with vaseline if you have to, but swimming with a cold sore in a public pool is considered horribly rude and inconsiderate. You might be asked to leave.

What are some home remedies for fever blisters on lips?

If the blisters are inside the mouth, I understand that it is a canker sore and not a fever blister, or cold sore. The latter two are from the herpes simplex 1 virus and I understand canker sores are not a virus at all. Good luck with finding your answer and I hope I was of some assistance!

What is the best cure for fever blisters?

Fever blisters, or cold sores, are caused by a version of the herpes simplex virus. One of the best home remedies for fever blisters is to cover the sore in petroleum jelly. It should heal within a few days time.

What is the common name for cold sores?

Other names for a cold sore are fever blister, oral herpes, labial herpes, herpes labialis, and herpes febrilis.

Would using Zovirax on a cold sore help reduce healing time?

If your cold sore has already appeared then treatment with Zovirax Cold Sore Cream can speed up the healing process.

Does eating citrus aggravate a cold sore?

Citrus can help your immune system. It can make a cold sore sting but doesn't really aggravate it.

What is labialis?

it isan infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. It leads to the development of small and usually painful blisters on the is also known as cold sore.

How do you use alvera on fever blisters?

You shouldn't use aloe vera if the fever blisters are around the mouth. There are some inexpensive over the counter cold sore creams at the pharmacy that will work better and be less toxic then using aloe vera.