

What can most easily produce magnetic fields?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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A naturally occurring stone called magnetite.

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The most common way to produce a magnetic field is by running an electric current through a wire. This is known as electromagnetism. When electricity flows through a wire, it creates a magnetic field around the wire. Using a coil of wire wrapped around a core, such as iron, can enhance the strength of the magnetic field generated.

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by force

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Q: What can most easily produce magnetic fields?
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What does not create a magnetic field?

A great many things do not create magnetic fields. They includerock,plastics,most living things,most gases at normal conditionsActually most living things create magnetic fields measurable and commonly called brain waves. minute but measurable

Are gamma rays affected by electric and magnetic fields?

Yes, gamma rays can be affected by both electric and magnetic fields. Electric fields can alter the path of gamma rays by causing them to accelerate or decelerate, while magnetic fields can cause gamma rays to change direction due to a phenomenon called magnetic deflection.

Do magnetic fields affect your brain?

Magnetic fields can potentially influence brain activity, depending on the strength and frequency of the field. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a technique that uses magnetic fields to stimulate brain cells and is used in medical and research applications. However, the impact of everyday magnetic fields, such as those from electronic devices, on the brain is still being studied.

What elements produce the most electricity in a electromagnetic field?

Materials with high electrical conductivity, like copper or aluminum, typically produce the most electricity in an electromagnetic field because they allow electrons to move easily in response to changes in the field. When a conductor is placed in a changing magnetic field, it induces an electric current to flow through it.

What uses short bursts of a magnetic field to produce images?

the magnetic resonance imaging, also abbrieviated as: M.R.IA digital camera uses short bursts of a magnetic field to produce images. The images are then stored on a disk or other memory source within the camera. The disk can then be inserted into most computers to download the images.

Related questions

The ends of a magnet have the most?

they have the most powerful magnetic fields

Which planet has a magnetic shield?

All planets have magnetic fields. I believe that in most cases, this magnetic field can act as a shield.

What does not create a magnetic field?

A great many things do not create magnetic fields. They includerock,plastics,most living things,most gases at normal conditionsActually most living things create magnetic fields measurable and commonly called brain waves. minute but measurable

Can magnetism pass through glass and why?

I don't think magnetism is affected by glass. Edit: Magnetic field are unaffected by glass. Magnets and electrical fields in general are only effected by other magnetic fields and materials which generate them. Think of a compass that is brought near another magnet. Magnetic fields are exponential in strength meaning that they are most strong at the surface and quickly fade with distance. Dont remember the equation but its simple and straight forward. So if you want a magnetic field to extend through a thick (5mmm) piece of glass you will need larger more powerful magnets such as rare earth or neodymium magnets. Its really about the strength of the magnet and the distance of the magnetic field. Hope that helps.

What is meant by electric and magnetic field?

A magnetic field is a area in which magnetic objects are pushed or pulled. It is caused by the alignment of parts of atoms.A field of force associated with changing electric fields , as when electric charges are in motion. Magnetic fields exert deflective forces on moving electric charges. Most magnets have magnetic fields as a result of the spinning motion of the electrons orbiting the atoms of which they are composed; electromagnets create such fields from electric current moving through coils. Large objects, such as the earth, other planets, and stars, also produce magnetic fields. See Note at magnetism.

How can electromagnetic waves be produced?

Electromagnetic waves are produced by accelerating electric charges. This acceleration can occur in various ways, such as in antennas where changing electric currents create oscillating charges, or in light bulbs where moving electrons through a filament generate photons.

Magnetic field intensity of a straight conductor?

magnetic field is a region of space where a north magnetic monopole experiences a force. The direction of the field is by definition the direction of the force on the north end of a magnet. Since most texts contain diagrams of magnetic fields they will not be reproduced here.

What would happen if Earth's Magnetic field was a hundred trillion times more powerful than it currently is?

Most life forms are not affected by magnetic fields; for example, an MRI machine - Magnetic Resonance Imaging - causes VERY intense magnetic fields, and they don't harm the people who are inside them. (It's cramped and noisy, but the magnetic field doesn't hurt them.) The effect may be different for VERY high fields; we don't know. Electronic equipment would be incinerated by its own induced voltage, and iron and nickel deposits within the Earth would vaporize.

Relationship between magnets and electricity?

The relationship between electricity and magnetism is intimate. A changing magnetic field induces electrical current in a wire, and is the basis for electrical generation. Also, an electrical current flowing through a wire creates a magnetic field, and is the basis for most motors.In general, a changing magnetic field creates an electrical field, and a changing electrical field creates a magnetic field. In fact, light is exactly this; two fields oscillating at right angles, and inducing one another through space.One of the four fundamental forces in the universe is the electromagnetic force. Not the electric or the magnetic force, but the electromagnetic force. Basically, you can't have electricity without magnetism and vice versa. That may not make electricity and magnetism exactly the same, but they are intertwined in a most intimate way.

Can the magnetism of the earth keep us on the earth like gravity?

No. The material that people and most other objects are made of is not strongly affected by magnetic fields.

What is performed by earths magnetic fields?

Its main 'function' is to block most of the ultra violet radiation from the sun. Without the magnetic field - the UV radiation would be far too high to allow life to survive here.

What uses short bursts of a magnetic field to produce images?

the magnetic resonance imaging, also abbrieviated as: M.R.IA digital camera uses short bursts of a magnetic field to produce images. The images are then stored on a disk or other memory source within the camera. The disk can then be inserted into most computers to download the images.