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Congress can start by repealing the Federal Reserve Act and taking back control of the coining and printing of monies. Once control of the making of currency is back in the hands of Congress they can then find a standard of wealth by which to back that currency. Next, they can repeal the Personal Income Tax Law and dissolve the Internal Revenue Service. These three acts of Congress alone would dramatically improve the nations economy. First of all, by repealing the Personal Income Tax Law every taxpayer subject to this Law would receive anywhere from a 20 to 80% raise in their income depending on how much that taxpayer owed while subject to this revenue law. This radical increase in personal wealth for practically the whole nation would dramatically improve the economy and so offset any "growing pains" the economy might experience because of the rejection of the Federal Reserve.

Once Congress has done this they can do more by focusing on other oppressive laws, codes and regulations that impinge upon the people and repeal them, this would keep them busy enough that they would necessarily have to stay out of the growing economy that emerged from changing these fundamental obstacles to economic prosperity for a nation.

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Logan Graham

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2y ago
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6y ago

1. reduce employment in the service industry

2. reduce imports

3. improve energy efficiency


Eliminate laziness. Everyone who can work should have a job. So many people are just relying on other people's money (taxpayers or otherwise). Because of this, nobody can buy as much (therefore companies and businesses start doing worse and may lay people off - then they're out of work and can't find work so they have to also rely on unemployment or government assistance.

Everyone needs to work and to spend reasonably. and, as you can see, these two concepts are not in balance in many economies right now.

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15y ago

Congress can start by repealing the Federal Reserve Act and taking back control of the coining and printing of monies. Once control of the making of currency is back in the hands of Congress they can then find a standard of wealth by which to back that currency. Next, they can repeal the Personal Income Tax Law and dissolve the Internal Revenue Service. These three acts of Congress alone would dramatically improve the nations economy. First of all, by repealing the Personal Income Tax Law every taxpayer subject to this Law would receive anywhere from a 20 to 80% raise in their income depending on how much that taxpayer owed while subject to this revenue law. This radical increase in personal wealth for practically the whole nation would dramatically improve the economy and so offset any "growing pains" the economy might experience because of the rejection of the Federal Reserve.

Once Congress has done this they can do more by focusing on other oppressive laws, codes and regulations that impinge upon the people and repeal them, this would keep them busy enough that they would necessarily have to stay out of the growing economy that emerged from changing these fundamental obstacles to economic prosperity for a nation.

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15y ago

The economy can get better if people could stop spending alot of money and put it up for important stuff and then for some wants. Also if constructors would tare down bad buildings and buildings that are not needed

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13y ago

everyone works instead of relying off other people for money (e.i. not the government. the people who pay taxes to the government because they have know choice, even though it's like those who aren't working are stealing from those who are).

and spending reasonably.

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14y ago

recycle use money wisley and try to be neat

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