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Q: What can you buy to stop a deep cut from bleeding?
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The cut is deep and long you have both hands firmly applying pressure to the cut but you are not able to control the bleeding?

This ones simple. Use a tourniquet to stop the blood flow its a last resort but it will save the victim from bleeding out.

Does putting ice on a cut stop the bleeding?

No. It will reduce swelling only. Pressure will stop bleeding.

This blood part helps stop a cut from bleeding by working with the plasma to form a blood clot?

platlets form to stop the bleeding from a cut

Why wont a day old cut on your leg stop bleeding?

It depends on the size of it, and how deep - if it is really bleeding freely, or merely draining - draining is common after surgery, but if it truly bleeding, schedule a appointment with your doctor today/go to the emergency room.

What makes a cut stop bleeding?

A scab xxx

When a toddler falls and bites there lip what should you do?

Depends on how deep the cut is. You should be able to just apply pressure and stop the bleeding with a paper towel kleenex or if it keeps bleeding and looks serious take them to a hospital to have it checked out.

When you cut your finger what causes you to stop bleeding?

Fibrin is a compound in the body responsible for coagulation process, thereby helping to stop the bleeding.

Deep razor cut what should you do to make it better?

put pressure on it until it stops bleeding, then I would out neasborne and a band-aid on it.. if the bleeding doesn't stop after a day, or if it is oozing, go to the hospital. other than that, it's no biggie.

What should you do if you got cut with an exacto knife?

Clean the wound with soap and water. Put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. If the cut is very deep or long you may need to see a doctor and get stitched to close the wound.

Can you die from putting a bleeding cut under hot water?

No, you cannot die from putting a bleeding cut under hot water. The only bad thing about putting a bleeding cut under hot water is that it expands the vessels and will not stop the bleeding. Luke warm water or cold water is the best for a bleeding cut.

Does coffee stop a cut from bleeding?

Yes, placing coffee on a cut immediately stops it from bleeding better than basically any other drug on the market

What do you do if you cut your dog's pad while grooming him?

You can stop the bleeding with a styptic pencil, also called a hemostatic pencil, which you can get at a drugstore. If the cut is deep, take your dog to a vet.