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Take it to a vet IMMEDIATLY! It may be something serious, you never know!

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Q: What can you do when my 4 week old puppy has green bumps on his back and it has green liquid coming out?
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What if there is green puss coming from the wetting area of a 3 month female puppy?

vets ASAP !

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I have a question, help me out.

Why does my 6 month old puppy have runny green mucas coming from her nose?

your puppy is sick so you should go to the vet right away

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It means you need to go to the vet right now!

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When they have stopped coming out!

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I found short pinks flat worms coming out of my three monthold puppy what are they?

Because the worms got in side of your puppy and they are eating your puppy's insides. You should take your puppy to the Vet.

If a dog has the green pus coming from his eyes could it be contagious to a puppy and could this be serious?

The green pus is mostly dead inflammatory cells and tends to be non-infectious. However, if the cause of the inflammation in the dog's eye was infectious (bacterial or viral are most common in dogs), that infection is very likely to be transferred to a puppy and you may see similar pus coming from the puppy's eye in a few days. I would suggest taking your dog to a veterinarian if this is new and you aren't sure what you are seeing - there could be a foreign body in the eye or a serious infection that needs to be treated to prevent blindness.

Color of puppy bowel movements?

The color of a puppy's bowel movements is typically dark brown. Occasionally a puppy's bowel will be a green or black color.

Why might a five-month-old puppy sometimes have yellowish green mucus coming from its nose if it has no temp and has been to vet for all shots?

Puppies are like kids, so sounds to me that your puppy has an infection of some sort. It's time to take your puppy into the vets and let them decide. There isn't anything to be worried about and if it is an infection the doctor will give you some medication to help out and your puppy will be fine. Please take the puppy in right away and don't leave this! Good luck Marcy

What should I name my webkinz green earth puppy?

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