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you can make a paper aeroplane. get a sheet of paper. Fold the top two corners at a point, this should make two little triangles. then fold the sheet in half - length ways and fold back the sides. You can adjust the aeroplane and make it your own. you can make better ones that fly better but this one is better if you are a beginner.

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14y ago

A nice, colored in and glued together paper airplane. Or a nice design or drawing.

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Q: What can you make with A4 paper glue scissors and pencils?
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What you need: -Paper -scissors -marker,crayons,and/or colored pencils(optional) How to make: 1.Fold paper in half 2.Cut half of a heart 3.Unfold 4.Decorate Your done!

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You could make it by getting a piece of construction or printer paper. First, you want to have scissors, glue, and the paper. Cut out a horn. Then a head, a tail, legs, a body, and if youwant, wings. Thenjust glue them all together! Or you could just, type in on Google, unicorn body parts cutouts. Then, cut it out and glue it together, or look up, how to make a unicorn out of paper.

How can you make a rock paper scissors costume for 3 people?

Have the person who is going to dress up as rock in a trash bag. Stuff the trash bag with newspaper and spray paint it gray. Get a sandwich board for the person with paper and make it look like a Piece of paper. and scissors just cut out a large pair of scissors and tape or Velcro or even glue them to your shirt.

How do you make a 3d model of a pH scale for kids?

Making a 3D model of a pH scale for kids is fun and exciting. You will need pattern printouts, scissors, glue and crayons. Then you want to glue the printouts on paper and have the kids crayon them.

What do they make out of the used paper?

One very smart thing they make out of recycled paper is pencils.

How can you make a good paper bridge?

You can't really make a strong paper bridge. Unless you use poster paper or very thick, but flexible paper. If you do, this is how: 1.Get paper, pencils, scissors, and glue/ tape 2.Cut a circle - which is hollow. Cut the circle in half. 3. cut along rectangle about as long as the width on the half circle. 4. Glue/Tape the half circle with the rectangle in the middle of the half circle "rounded" 5 Repeat procedure 4 with the other side of the long rectangle and the other half circle.

What are the rules of rock paper scissors?

The basic rules of rock paper scissors state that paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper. If both players make the same choice, then it is a tie. Games are played to a predetermined score (or until the players get bored).

How scissors make job easier?

Instead of tearing a paper, you can use scissors in order for you to cut the paper the style you want but more orderly.:) If you are in a hurry, you can use scissors to cut things.:)