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After you clean the scratch site with hydrogen peroxide, put antibiotic cream on it. If you are referring to a cat scratch on, say, a dog, watch very carefully for fever or inflammation of the site. If your dog exhibits these symptoms, get it to a vet pronto. The vet has better antibiotics for cat-scratch fever than are available over the counter.

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Scratch posts can be helpful in stopping cats from scratching furniture. They should be placed near furniture so that cats will choose them instead of the furniture. It also helps to cover your furniture with plastic when you first put the scratch posts out so they are the only thing the cat can scratch until they get used to it.

How do you clean scratches?

What you do is put either soap and water or some kind of cleanser on the scratch. This works for anything. A burn, scratch, or anything else. Put a band aid on after and make sure not to play with the scratch because it wont heal for a while.

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A varnish or lacquer would do the trick, though nothing actually makes wood scratch proof just scratch resistant

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Put in the CD, open it and install both the AudioDJ8 Driver and Traktor Scratch Installer.

When should you stop holding your cat by it's scruff?

When the cat fusses and starts to scratch. Put it down on a soft surface and stop holding it by the scruff. Immideitly.

How do you add projects on a studio on scratch?

You just make it and then there is a toolbar on the scratch program to Share it! fill out the information and you should be able to upload it if you have an account on scratch already.

How do you care for a dog with a little scratch?

put some antibackterial cream on it