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If you find yourself constipated frequently while taking prenatal vitamins, you can take vitamins that don't have iron supplements, then take a slow release iron tablet to prevent anemia.

To prevent constipation increase your fluid intake; water and juice, adding fiber rich fruits and veggies also helps.

Increasing activity (with your health care provider's OK) like taking a couple brisk walks every day

If you are still having a problem, ask your doctor or midwife to recommend a stool softener.

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If it's really big or if your really constipated, im sure they word.

If im not constipated could i still be pregnant?

Constipation is just a symptom of pregnancy...not a sign of pregnancy. Many women experience bouts of constipation during pregnancy, but if you do not have constipation then count it as a blessing. If you take a home pregnancy test and your doctor confirms your pregnancy then you are pregnant with or without constipation. Good luck! mom to three children and pregnant with her fourth!

Can you be showing and not pregnant?

Well you wouldn't be showing because you are pregnant, obviously. But the female may be constipated or bloated, or just have weight gain that may cause her to appear pregnant.