

What carnivores do moose eat?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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8y ago

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Moose are herbivores, they don't eat meat they eat plants. Bears , wolves and humans are the predators that eat moose.

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Q: What carnivores do moose eat?
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What carnivores eat moose?

Moose are herbivores, they don't eat meat they eat plants. Bears , wolves and humans are the predators that eat moose.

Are moose carnivores or herbivores or omnivores?

Moose are members of the deer family. Like all deer, they only eat plants. That means they are herbivores.

Are moose vegetarians?

Yes they are! Animals that only eat plants (and some berries) are called herbivores. So, yes, a moose is a "vegetarian."

Are moose only plant eaters?

Well as a mater of fact i do believe moose are hurbavores (Plant eaters only). If a moose wasn't what would it eat? Think about that would a moose eat a squirrel no so moose are not carnivores (Meat eaters) or omnivores (Eats both plant and meat), moose are herbivores.

Do wolves eat ducks?

Wolves do eat ducks because they are carnivores. They also eat other animals such as deer, moose, ox and bears.

Is a moose a carnivore a herbivore an omnivore or a insectivore?

Moose are herbivores-- their main food source is vegetation. (Carnivores eat mostly meat, omnivores regularly eat both plants and animals; insectivores mainly eat insects.)

Is a moose a herbivore or a carnivore or an omnivore or insectivore?

Totally an herbivore- they eat willows and aspen trees.herbivore they eat only grass

Do wolves eat hedgehogs?

Wolves are carnivores (meat eaters) but they will eat other foods as well. They eat big game, such as elk and moose, to earthworms, berries, and grasshoppers.

Why do wolves eat moose?

Wolves are carnivores (meat eaters) but they will eat other foods as well. Their diet ranges from big game, such as elk and moose, to earthworms, berries , grasshoppers, mice, birds and even fish.

What does wolves eats?

Wolves are carnivores. However, they will eat other foods as well. Their diet ranges from big game, such as elk and moose, to earthworms, berries and grasshoppers. They will eat just about anything.

What eats wolves.?

Wolves are carnivores. However, they will eat other foods as well. Their diet ranges from big game, such as elk and moose, to earthworms, berries and grasshoppers. They will eat just about anything.

What will eat a moose?

Wolves or ticks will eat a moose.